September 19, 2013

Crazy Good Quiche for this gnashers return

I’m back! So much has happened since my last post…. I kind of let my job get the best of me and dropped blogging for a while. I was still in the kitchen, but not near as much as I would have liked…. Well, boy has that ALL changed. I’ve since moved to Northern California, I now work for Whole Foods (doing what I love most, being around FOOD!), and I’m ready to get blogging again!

A picture of the view on Los Gatos Creek Trail – about 5 minutes from my house and my main route to work!


Since relocating, my mind (and wallet) have gone back to my roots of cooking – savory comfort food, and using what’s in the kitchen. This quiche was inspired by ‘hurry up and use these ingredients before they go bad!’ but turned out being one of the best breakfast items I have ever made (my boyfriend can attest to this). Therefore, we’re just going to get Cali with the name and call this one ‘Crazy Good Quiche’

What you’ll need:

  • 1 bunch Organic Lacino Kale, thinly sliced
  • 1 small sweet onion, diced
  • 4 cooked Chicken Apple Sausages, diced
  • 1 365 brand Gluten Free Pie Crust (it’s quiet good)
  • 6 organic eggs
  • 1/2 cup of Parm, thinly sliced or grated
  • 1/4 cup Milk
  • 1tsp Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste


Preheat oven to 375. In a frying pan, heat olive oil. Add chopped kale and onion and sautee. Remove from pan and put aside. Keep heat on pan and add diced chicken sausage, sautee until golden on edges. Remove from pan and put with sauteed veggies. In a medium bowl, crack eggs, add milk, salt & pepper and wisk together thoroughly.

Add sautee mix to pie crust, sprinkle cheese on top of mixture and pour egg mixture till the crust is full. Bake at 375 for 35-45 minutes. Remove from oven and let sit for 15 minutes. Enjoy, and don’t forget to save those leftovers!!


And I’m off to reheat a piece of this! Until next time, gnashers!

April 13, 2013

Quick kale chips

Kale chips are make a great weekend snack and are super easy to make!

2 bunches kale, washed and dried
Sea salt
Avocado oil

Mix on baking sheets, arrange kale to one single layer, bake in oven at 250 for 30-33 minutes. I told you it was easy!


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March 24, 2013

Start your day with a glass of Warm Lemon Water

For how hard we try to stabilize our diets and monitor intake – life is not predictable, and there are always going to be times where we get kicked off this wagon. I find that when I have been neglectful of feeding my body properly, I re-boot with some warm lemon water in the morning. Here are a few reasons why starting your day with a shot of warm lemon water is something worth working into your routine…


1. Your Immune system will thank you – Lemon has a lot of Vitamin C, and potassium, which get your immune system pumping.

2. it’s all about pH Balance – lemon balances the pH levels in your system and reduces acidity in your system, making it a great way to cleanse your belly’s palette.

3. Aids Digestion – Lemon helps flush out unwanted toxins and encourages your liver to produce more bile, which is needed for digestion. This is especially helpful after that salty meal and 1/2 bottle of wine you had last night 😉 (okay, maybe I am just speaking for myself here…)

4. Makes your skin shine – Vitamin C reduces wrinkles and acne, and purges the toxins from your blood to keep your skin clear and healthy looking!

5. Helps to reduce caffeine intake – I try to take my warm lemon water ‘shot’ as soon as I hop out of bed, giving me a boost for my immune system AND my mind. After this morning ‘shot’ I am a lot less likely to crave the massive cup of coffee that I normally go for.

Get drinking!

February 20, 2013

Have a great day, gnashers!


January 27, 2013

Ground Beef, Farro & Feta Stuffed Peppers

I often like to start my process by thinking about how I can refine a common dish. This time are I was looking at Stuffed Peppers – they’re hearty, balanced, and just hit all of the taste buds. I’ve been experimenting switching out rice or pasta with other grains. Farro has enticed me for some years – a Tuscan grain (can also be found in regions of California), that tastes similar to barley, but fluffier. The rest of the ingredients are fairly standard to the dish, but the Farro really brought it together.

What you’ll need:

– 1 medium yellow onion, diced

– 2 yellow bell peppers, cut in half and cleaned

– 1 pt. white button mushrooms, diced

– 1 garlic clove, diced

– 1 can diced tomatoes

– 1/4 cup tomato sauce

– 1 cup dry quick cooking farro

– 1lb organic ground beef

– 1/2 cup fresh crumbled feta

– 1 tsp. olive oil

– salt, pepper, everyday seasoning, red pepper flake and Italian seasons to taste.


Heat up dutch oven over medium heat. Add 1 tsp. olive oil, onion, and garlic. Saute’ until translucent, then add ground beef – cook until browned. Remove from heat and drain excess fat.

In a separate pot, bring water to boil. Add farro and touch of salt, boil for 8-10 minutes. Drain and set to side.

Return dutch oven to heat, add canned tomatoes, tomato sauce and mushrooms saute for about 5 minutes. Add ground beef mixture and bring to simmer. Mix in cooked farro and reduce mixture for 10 minutes.

Scoop beef mixture into halved peppers, sprinkle with crumbled feta. Cover and cook for additional 10 minutes. Remove from heat, let rest for 3 minutes and serve.


January 6, 2013

Curried Couscous with Roasted Cauliflower

Sometimes you just get bored with cooking with the same flavors… so I decided to spice things up a little and try something new. I made this dish as a side to Moroccan Lamb Sausages with Curried Lentil Dip (I like Ah!Zeefa brand). It turned out to be delish AND it’s pretty healthy!

What you’ll need

– 1 cup dried Whole Wheat Couscous

– 1 head Cauliflower, washed and chopped

– 1/2 Sweet Onion, diced

– 1/4 cup Dried Cranberries, chopped

– 2 tablespoons Olive Oil

– 1 tablespoon Curry Powder

– 1 teaspoon Honey

– 1 teaspoon Garlic Powder

– 1 teaspoon Cumin

– 1 teaspoon Cayenne

– Sea salt and pepper to taste



For Roasted Cauliflower: Preheat oven to 400. In a large baking dish, add cauliflower, onion, 1/4 tablespoon Curry Powder, 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne, 1 tablespoon Olive Oil, salt and pepper. Toss and roast in oven for 20-30 minutes or until Cauliflower is browned.


For Couscous: While the Cauliflower is roasting, bring 1 cup of water & 1 dash of Olive Oil to boil. Remove from heat, add dried couscous and cover for 5-8 minutes. In a separate bowl, add dried cranberries, remaining olive oil, curry powder, cayenne, cumin, garlic powder, honey and 2 tablespoons of water. Mix well.

Add cooked couscous and roasted cauliflower, toss together and enjoy! 



December 26, 2012

What a great Christmas…

Feeling grateful for all that is in my life! Merry Christmas!


December 24, 2012

Getting ready for Christmas!


December 23, 2012

Coming back soon!!

Hi Gnashers!

I have to admit, I have been quiet neglectful of my blog and the community, but I’m BACK!! As I get back to cookin’ and working on my goals for 2013 I will be blogging, photo bombing, re-blogging and being active in the virtual world once again. Stay tuned for holiday goodies, menu planning and new ideas!

Be in touch soon…

July 2, 2012

Peach Upside-down Cake

It’s farmers market season, and each week I end up buying more produce than I know what to do with. When the produce starts to over-ripe, I go into panic mode as to what I can make without having to waste anything. Last week I bought fresh peaches and ended up waiting too long to eat them. So, I decided to make peach upside-down cake with my over-ripe peaches and it turned out delicious! This makes for a great breakfast or dessert cake.

What you’ll need:

1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup packed light brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

5 fresh peaches – peeled, pitted and quartered

1/2 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup white sugar

1 egg

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup milk

1 teaspoon vanilla



In a medium bowl, melt 1/4 cup butter add brown sugar, cinnamon and peaches. Toss till peaches are coated and layer at bottom of cake pan.

In a large bowl (or mixer), mix the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. Add flour and baking soda to wet mixture alternately with milk, beating well after each addition. Spread batter evenly over peaches.

Bake at 375 for 35 to 40 minutes, or until lightly browned on top. Let cake cool in pan for 10 minutes; invert cake on serving plate. Serve warm or room temperature. Enjoy!

Peach Upside-down Cake