Archive for March 24th, 2013

March 24, 2013

Start your day with a glass of Warm Lemon Water

For how hard we try to stabilize our diets and monitor intake – life is not predictable, and there are always going to be times where we get kicked off this wagon. I find that when I have been neglectful of feeding my body properly, I re-boot with some warm lemon water in the morning. Here are a few reasons why starting your day with a shot of warm lemon water is something worth working into your routine…


1. Your Immune system will thank you – Lemon has a lot of Vitamin C, and potassium, which get your immune system pumping.

2. it’s all about pH Balance – lemon balances the pH levels in your system and reduces acidity in your system, making it a great way to cleanse your belly’s palette.

3. Aids Digestion – Lemon helps flush out unwanted toxins and encourages your liver to produce more bile, which is needed for digestion. This is especially helpful after that salty meal and 1/2 bottle of wine you had last night 😉 (okay, maybe I am just speaking for myself here…)

4. Makes your skin shine – Vitamin C reduces wrinkles and acne, and purges the toxins from your blood to keep your skin clear and healthy looking!

5. Helps to reduce caffeine intake – I try to take my warm lemon water ‘shot’ as soon as I hop out of bed, giving me a boost for my immune system AND my mind. After this morning ‘shot’ I am a lot less likely to crave the massive cup of coffee that I normally go for.

Get drinking!